First Color Dev

Over the holidays I was gifted about a dozen rolls of expired Kodak and Fuji 400 and 800 35mm film by my mom. She had them sitting in a camera bag she took to Hawaii with her back in 2015ish. At least I think it was 2015. Maybe it was 2005? I have no idea, there are no dates at all on the rolls themselves so I assume they are well expired by now.

They are definitely still shoot able. This is a mix of her film and a roll I got from a guy who sold me the Samsung camera I used to shoot them.

As you can see, I have absolutely no idea how to develop C-41! First I had issues loading the reels with the 35mm film (120 is waaaaaay easier). Then I guess I had temperature issues. Not sure. But I think they still came out kinda cool and not too bad for a first time.

I did notice a considerable difference between scanning with “Color Restoration” and without. It seems some shots look better and some don’t.

I’m not sure I’m a fan of the Samsung. I guess for a point and shoot you can’t expect much more.

Folds in the film definitely make for some odd outputs.

Anywho, these are just a few examples of what came out. I’ll share more throughout the week, interspersed with medium format and 35 bw shots. Stay tuned!

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