Brentsville Courthouse on the Yashica Mat

How’s everyone? I know I kinda fell off the planet, life’s been super crazy with the holidays and all.

But one bright facet of all this busyness is that I dove wayyyy deeper into film photography. So much so that I bought what I promise to be my last camera for awhile.

While in Virginia I visited two different camera shops which I never even knew existed growing up there. I was like a kid in a candy store. I didn’t find much at the first store, but at the second I found a nearly mint condition Yashica Mat. I had to have it!

For my first photos I had to find something old. An old camera deserves an old subject. I loaded it up with Ilford HP5 and headed to a local historic spot. These are my two shots from the Brentsville Courthouse.

This is the Brentsville Courthouse, built in 1822 as the county seat of Prince William County, Virginia. I grew up right around the corner from here, but back in those days it wasn’t nearly this put together. Over the decades it’s been cleaned up and now sits in a pretty awesome park.

These are the only two shots I got here, with 12 exposures I wanted to get a variety of shots so I quickly moved on. I’ll post more throughout the week, I promise!

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