Argus Argoflex: Take Two

A few months back I complained about the focus on my Argus Argoflex being off, but I thought I would give it another try while visiting my family for Christmas.On my last Argus post, one of my readers noticed (as did I) that the focus was set slightly back from the subject, so I figured I could try focusing on an object a few feet in front of the subject in order to get the subject in focus. It’s a lot of work, but hey, I like experiments.Of course, instead of doing this experiment, I went out and took photos that needed infinity focus….Honestly I can’t complain. Even out of focus I think these make for some interesting images. I almost wish I hadn’t gotten water spots all over them during drying. Maybe one day I will re-rinse the negatives and scan again, but that’s not really my style, I like the raw unedited approach.There are a few more to share from the Argus, I’ll have to figure out when to post them. I thought digital photography gave me an overload of images, film gives a different problem. Overall there are fewer photos, but each roll has a variety of subjects, and each photo has a life of its own. Putting together a coherent post takes more time than I expected!Now I just need to buy some more film!

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