DC Street Views

Isn’t it weird to go somewhere you thought you knew and see it from a completely new angle? While stranded at my family’s house in VA I did just that.

My sister and nephew took me to see the Van Gogh Immersive exhibit in Washington DC for one of the days I was stranded with a broken down car. Not a bad way to spend a day. Of course, being a camera freak I had to take along a few cameras and snap whatever caught my fancy.

I can’t remember the last time I went to DC but it certainly wasn’t as I remembered it. Perhaps I had just never been to the more run down parts that I heard about growing up. Whatever it was, amongst the drug deals and the homeless camps I think I did manage to get at least these decent images.

These three were all taken with my Nikon N50 on Kentmere 400 black and white film. The first shot I just liked the way the intersection looked. The second one was a shot when I thought we weren’t going to get much closer to the Capital building. Of course we drove closer 🤦.

I developed them all in Caffenol as always, but of course something went wrong in the reel loading or with the agitation. I don’t think it is the chemicals or the time, since not all of the images on the roll have fogging. Given that this was my first experience with 35mm it’s pretty likely that I screwed up loading the reel somehow.

I may have one or two more rolls of black and white 35mm so I can try again, but for now I am loaded up with expired color films in both my Samsung and my Nikon. Eventually I will finish a roll and stumble through C-41 again just to remind myself how much more I enjoy black and white!

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